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National Novel Writing Month, November or NaNoWriMo is a challenge where people from all backgrounds try to write 50,000 words in a month.

Brainstorming and More

Audrey Victor
Audrey Victor

Workshop: Brainstorming and More!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 3:00 p.m.

Trying to get started? Need to bounce some ideas off of people?

Writing consultant Audrey Victor lays out outlining methods, brainstorming techniques, and more to get you up and running. Audrey has more than 7 years of experience consulting college students in writing - including novel writing - as well as in arts and sciences.

This is a great - and FREE - opportunity to network and see how your ideas resonate with others.

If you plan to attend the nightly write-in, this will also be a great warm-up.

Unblock Creativity

Rebecca Demarest
Rebecca Demarest

Workshop: Unblock Creativity

Tuesday, November 21, 2023 3:00 p.m.

What to do when you encounter a stumper? Rebecca Demarest offers helpful tips for tackling creative problems - and not just writers' block!

Rebecca is an award-winning author, book designer, coach, and writing instructor practiced at working with adults and kids, including in a homeschool environment. Her primary areas of expertise revolves around speculative fiction, with practice in theater, historical fiction, mystery writing, and game writing. She enjoys individual coaching, manuscript evaluation, and teaching workshops and classes for a wide range of topics for adults and kids and has worked as an instructor and course designer with organizations such as the Bureau of Fearless Ideas in Seattle, Clarion West, DigiPen, and the Museum of Popular Culture.

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