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Psychology: Citations

Use this guide to help with your psychology research, read scholarly articles, search the database, and write citations!

Why do we cite?

Properly citing sources in your paper allows your work to enter into the scholarly conversation about your topic.  People who read your paper will know who you have been influenced by, and how your ideas fit in with others who are talking about the same topic.  This page will give you the best places to check to make sure you are citing correctly.

APA Style

Typically, papers written in the Psychology discipline use the American Psychological Association style as a guide for citations and paper structure.  Check out the links below for helpful hints on how to successfully use the APA style in your next paper. Always remember to check with your instructor to see if they have any other specific rules for citation that they want you to follow!

Citation Generation & Management Tools



Anytime you choose to appropriate the ideas, writings or inventions of someone else without due acknowledgment, you commit an act of plagiarism. Direct quotes of more than 3 words in length must be placed in quotation marks and a citation in APA style, as well as reference, must be provided.

Resources that show you how to do this will be provided on the class site.Do your own work and do not use the words of others.

Choosing to plagiarize will result in an F (no points) for the assignment/test in question. Do it more than once and you are choosing to receive a 0.0 for the course.

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